New Property

Twelve months ago we bought a new property “Pine Hills” which is 40km north of Wallumbilla in the Maranoa Warrego region of Qld.   Buying the property has enabled us to spread our breeders out across the three properties.

Diamantina Sale results

The 10th Annual Diamantina Droughtmaster Bull & Female Sale was held in Winton on Friday 17 May 2013. Facing a very tough market the Bull Sale had a 55% clearance with an average of $2836.  We sold 15 of the 19 bulls we presented at the sale for a $3033 … Read more

Fantastic Female results

Just under 1300 head of commercial Droughtmaster females were yarded at the 10th Annual Diamantina Droughtmaster Bull & Female Sale in Winton on Friday 17 May.  Despite worsening drought conditions and a depressed cattle market all females sold well. Eversleigh Droughtmasters presented a draft of 327 heifers made up of … Read more

Destination: Diamantina

The tenth Annual Diamantina Bull & Female Sale will be held in Winton on Friday 17th May.  Here’s a sneak peek of the bulls we are taking this year.  Further details on the bulls and commercial females going to the sale are listed on the FOR SALE page.     Lot … Read more

Feedlot steers

In late November 2012 we consigned 156 steers to the Glengowrie Feedlot based near Allora on the Darling Downs.  The steers were on feed for just over 100 days and were slaughtered at Kilcoy meatworks mid-March.  We were extremely happy with the results. The 156 steers arrived at the feedlot … Read more

Roma purchases

Two more bulls were added to our sire battery with the purchase of KM Legacy and Jembrae Foley at the Roma Tropical Sale held in October 2012. We were unable to attend the sale but were able to bid over the phone to secure our purchases. Both bulls are now … Read more

Steers in feedlot

In November we sent 156 steers to the Glengowrie feedlot outside Allora.  Upon induction the predominantly No 2 steers averaged 440kg.  They will be on feed for 100 days. The feedlot, owned by Benn and Robyn Brown from “Bogunda” Prairie is managed by Mike and Jacinta Bashford.  We were very … Read more

AI heifers

In March this year, Emma Warne from Jembrae Stud undertook our first AI program under some rather “challenging” weather conditions – in particular almost 150mm of rain over a 4-day period. Despite the cold, wet weather the majority of heifers are PTIC and are due to start calving around Christmas … Read more

Spring has sprung!

It’s been a great season this year in the north west and the cows have obviously taken full advantage of the better conditions.  There are calves dropping everywhere!  Rondel Man About Town has been doing a powerhouse of work in the Wallace Vale Stud paddock with over 20 calves born … Read more

And another boy!

Along with Wallace Vale Ava, Wallace Vale April has also made her new home at Debella after she was purchased by Ben Power at the 2012 Diamantina Sale in Winton in May.  April was sold 7 months PTIC to Wajatryn Donatelo and she has just had a bull calf.   … Read more

Where are they now

Over the years we’ve bought a number of new bulls for both the Eversleigh and Wallace Vale herds.  Here’s a brief update on what they’ve been up to!  Photos taken this year. Eddington Chief was purchased at the 2007 Diamantina Sale.  Chief has a wonderful temperament and he has had … Read more

Bonnie makes her debut

Wallace Vale Bonnie (affectionately known as “Fugly”) has made her Show debut.  She recently competed at Springsure and Emerald and came 5th at both Shows.  Bonnie competed in the calf class and at 11 months old she seems to have dwarfed her oppostiion! We are very grateful to Emma Warne … Read more

Dropper tops our draft

11 bulls from the Eversleigh Stud and 3 bulls from Wallace Vale were sold through the ring at the Diamantina Droughtmaster Bull & Female Sale held in Winton on Friday 20 May. We had a 100% clearance to average $4571 for our 14 bulls.  Top of our draft was Eversleigh … Read more

Commercial females in demand

Approximately 1100 pure Droughtmaster commercial females went under the hammer at the annual Diamantina Droughtmaster Sale in Winton on 20 May.  Demand was high with buyers coming from across the State and NSW to purchase the females.  Eversleigh presented a draft of 297 head made up of 194 PTIC and … Read more

Droughtie females at Diamantina Sale

At this year’s Diamantina Droughtmaster Bull & Female Sale we offered 2 registered purebred PTIC heifers and 297 purebred commercial heifers. Congratulations to Alex and Maree Power, and Ben Power of Lazy A Stud Julia Creek on their purchase of WV Ava and WV April.   Click here for further … Read more

Postcards from the South

Last year the Jaeschke Family from “Glen Rufus Park” in South Australia bought 2 decks of PTIC Eversleigh heifers at the annual Diamantina Sale. Click here to view some photos of the girls and their calves to see how they are faring “south of the border”.

Droughtmaster steers sold

On Monday we sold 295 No 1 Droughtmaster steers to NAPCO.  The consignment consisted of 208 feeder steers which went to the Wainui Feedlot and 87 steers which went to be backgrounded at Cungelella. The feeder steers averaged 422.8kg and $824.53/hd while the backgrounder steers averaged 353kg and $733.55/hd. Many … Read more

Beautiful Babies

We’ve had rain, the grass is green and we have beautiful calves all over the place!  What more could you ask for?  More photos on the Gallery page … CJ’s calves and weaners        CJ calves playing at dusk                                 CJ weaners Wajatryn Donatelo calves     Wajatryn Donatelo and his … Read more

How to make it rain

We had often heard that if you want it to rain start doing an AI program.  Well, to test that theory we started an AI program on 16 March and by 22 March we’d had 150mm of rain.  Check out the photos in our gallery page.